Sponsorship Requests
Our WCSIC Regional Committee members provide in-kind and/or financial support for: (1) Research and Conservation – Promoting forestry research, science, and technology, upon which sustainable forest management decisions are based and broaden the awareness of climate change impacts on forests wildlife and biological diversity. (2) Training and Education
a. Community involvement and landowner outreach
b. Community Involvement and Landowner and/or Forest Manager Outreach
Sponsorship applicants are encouraged to partner with a WCSIC Regional Committee member company in their area, a Sponsorship partnership will assist the applicant through the approval process. Sponsorship applications that partner with a WCSIC member company will be given first priority. WCSIC members that may operate in proximity to sponsorship request applicants can be found on the WCSIC website sidebar, "WCSIC Members". Funding opportunities are subject to budgetary constraints. In most cases funding requests should not exceed $3,000.00.
Successful sponsorship recipients will provide WCSIC with a description of their organization and summary of the project and where appropriate, graphics or photography for posting on the WCSIC website.
WCSIC members meet quarterly, it may take up to 3 months to review and respond of sponsorship requests.