Training Programs
SFI certified companies in Western Canada are guided by the WCSIC training policy. The policy outlines training requirements and guidelines that are consistent with the SFI Forest management Standard and Fibre Sourcing Standards.

Basic Training for Contractors
It is a requirement that all Contractors working for WCSIC member companies or SFI Program Participants receive education and training sufficient for their roles and responsibilities as recommended by the WCSIC Training Policy. For a Contractor to be considered a qualified logging professional, the contractor must have at least one “in woods” person or combination of employees on each logging crew trained in the following modules:
Qualified Logger Professionals Training Program
- Awareness of sustainable forestry principles and SFI's work across four pillars: standards, conservation, community and education
- Best management practices including streamside management and road construction, maintenance and retirement.
- Health and Safety regulations and other employment laws
- Species at risk awareness training for appropriate personnel and measures to protect biodiversity and wildlife habitat
Each WCSIC member company prepares their program to ensure training for their logging contractors. All contractors are required attend and pass training before commencing operations. Member companies will update training modules based on new information or to address deficiencies identified in inspections, audits or other feedback sources and deliver training on a continual basis.
The WCSIC also has an online Logger Training module that can be completed to fulfill the SFI requirements. It can be accessed at the following link:
On an annual basic, WCSIC member companies train approximately 1,000 contractors in Western Canada.

Landowner Outreach
The WCSIC offers training opportunities to private forest land owners through the wood procurement program. WCSIC members share information with landowners about the SFI Program, where appropriate companies provide resource professionals to assist landowners in planning harvests that may include the following management strategies.
- Best management practices for water quality, including riparian management and road construction, maintenance and deactivation
- Regeneration
- Forest resource conservation protecting non forested wetlands
- Aesthetics
- Invasive exotic plants and animals
- Emerging technologies
- Wildfire hazard abatement
Fuel Guidelines©
10th Edition
This guide summarizes the industry standards for fuel storage, handling and transportation to meet due diligence as it relates to prevention.
June 2021
The 2021 Fuel Guidelines (10th Edition) was prepared by NorthWest Response Ltd., Smithers, British Columbia, Canada. This guideline is a reference document for the on-line Fuel Management Training course available at:

Invasive Species Online Course
A new online training course is now available from the Invasive Species Council of BC.
The new course is designed to increase students' knowledge of forest management through an invasive species lens. It focuses on invasive species impacts, traits and vectors. Students will also learn best management practices for prevention and control. The course is free and takes about 45 minutes to an hour to complete.
Access the Invasive Species Online Course
The course was developed through a community grant from the Sustainable Forestry Initiative. Additional financing came from the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, and the SFI Western Canada Implementation Committee. Course material was developed with the guidance of forest industry representatives, government invasive species experts, Indigenous forestry company professionals and the silviculture industry. Two members of the advisory group even recorded their own stories of invasive species impacts.
The Invasive Species Council of BC would love your feedback as it strives to continually improve the course. Please send your comments to Sue Staniforth at [email protected].